Bring Your Code to Life Using Graphs

Do you want to better understand your codebase? Using Understand's Graphs feature is a great way to explore your project. Understand offers a variety of graphs including dependency, control flow, call graphs, and more.

Comparison Graphs

See what has changed between two versions of your project

UML and Sequence Diagram

A quick overview of a class, those classes it inherits from, or all the classes in your project
Track the data flow and timing for a member object

Butterfly and Call

View inheretence and dependencies for any File, Function, Class, or Architecture


Explore and interact with your project's dependencies

All graphs are interactable and explorable. Click on nodes to expand and collapse.

Use Graphs to Explore and Explain Your Project

Graphs are a visual representation of your code. Seeing your project visually helps you better understand relationships within your code, identify patterns and errors, and share your work with others.

Show off your work by creating your own cool graphs in Understand
Sync and display graphs automatically as you work
Optimize your work by understanding relationships between entities in your code
Understanding Graphs in Understand

Using Graphs to Optimize Your Code

UML, Control Flow, and Call Graphs

The most popular graphs in Understand include Call and Called by, Butterfly, Object References, Control Flow, UML Class Diagram, UML Sequence Diagram, Data Flow, Dependency, and Declaration. See more graphs on our blog!

Easily Switch Between Graph Variants to View Similar Graphs

Graph variants allow you to quickly change the content and style of a graph. For example, to group functions by file or architecture, use a cluster graph variant (shown below). The relationship variant of a call graph will show all the paths between two functions. The compare variant highlights changes between your current project and a previous version of your project. Specific graphs have even more variants to explore.

Choose How to Configure and Display Your Graphs

Choose from a variety of options in the submenu to interact with your code in helpful and interesting ways. For example, there are a variety of node options to select from in the customizer toolbar and/or legends.

Use Graphs to Display and Explain Your Work

Graphs can be saved as JPEG, PNG, or SVG files. Share your graphs digitally, or print a physical copy of your work to share with others. We not only let you create cool graphs, but you can also edit and customize them with the Visio (vdx, vsdx) and Graphviz (dot) exports.

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Save Time with Understand

“What would have previously taken me several days (or weeks) can now be accomplished in a matter of hours… It’s the Swiss army knife of static analysis tools.”

Randall Landaiche


​“[Understand] is good for discovering the structure of the code dependencies and call-paths... it would have taken me hours to generate the same thing on my own.”

Paul Hyland

Lockheed Martin

​“Understand accelerates my understanding of large source code repositories.”

Chris Rhodes


Trusted by over 20,000 developers

​“Understand accelerates my understanding of large source code repositories.”

Chris Rhodes, Senior Software Engineer
Dell Inc.

Customer Case Studies

Learn how software developers across different industries use Understand to accelerate their workflows.

“[Understand] has great graphing tools, metrics, reporting, data dictionary… and is customizable and extensible. It also helps you to find compile time and parsing errors.”

– USAF Software Developer

“Understand can take existing code and basically generate any design information or view you would want to see, in addition to performing several useful types of analyses.”

– Jason Bold, Sr. Software Eng.

​“Understand™ is good for discovering the structure of the code dependencies and call-paths... it would have taken me hours to generate the same thing on my own.”

– Paul Hyland, Lockheed Martin

​“Understand is a tremendous reverse engineering tool... with excellent metrics reporting and evolving standards verification capability.”

– Pratt & Whitney Software Developer

Understand plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the safety and success of NASA’s space missions. Understand enables them to navigate the complexities of diverse codebases, proactively mitigate risks, and ensure adherence to software quality standards.

​“While other code checkers existed, each with its strengths and weaknesses, Understand’s additional features made it a valuable all-in-one tool.”

– Johannes Lang, R-Stahl

Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
See all Case Studies

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Our free trial enables all features that can be used on a sample code base